This guide describes the steps to install tor on your NulledHost server Ubuntu.


Update the system:

sudo apt update and sudo apt upgradess executes to make that all packages are updated.

Install Tor:

Execute sudo apt install tor to install the Tor package on your Ubuntu server.

Configure tor for your site .onion:

Edit the tor configuration file sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc and add the necessary lines to configure your site .onion.

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/my_onion_service/
HiddenServicePort 80

This will include specifying a directory for service configuration files and defining the port where your site will be listening.

Restart tor:

Restart the Tor service to apply the changes with sudo systemctl restart tor.


Get the direction .onion:

Once Tor is restarted, he will automatically generate an .onion address for your service. You can find this address in the Hostname file within the directory you specified in HiddeSserviceDir. Use the following command to see the address:

sudo cat /var/lib/tor/my_onion_service/hostname


This command will show the address .onion of your service. Something similar to xyz123abc.onion.

Remember that the Board of Directors /var/lib/tor/my_onion_service/ in the previous commands is just an example. You must replace it with the real route you set up in your torrc file. The .onion address is unique and is automatically generated based on the private key of your Tor service.


If you have any questions or any inconvenience in the installation, do not hesitate to consult our support.

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